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Funny Shayari in English || Joke Shayari 2024

🐷My wallet’s like an onion,😁💦
🤩makes me cry every time,🤣
It sheds layers of bills,🥒🍀
🐒leaving only a dime.🤪
She declared she’s a rose,😁💦
🤩delicate and rare,🤣🐷
Until she met a bee,🤪🐒🍀
🥒and then she didn’t quite care.
He swore he’s a superhero,🤩
😁with powers untold,🤣🍀
But when a mouse scurried by,💦
🐒he left me in the cold.🤪🥒
She professed she’s a mermaid,
🤩graceful and free,🤣🍀
🐷Until she tried to swim,😁🐒
🥒and swallowed a mouthful of sea.
💦He compared himself to Thor,
😁mighty and grand,🤪🤩🍀
🐒But when I mentioned thunder,
he clutched my hand.🤣🥒

Life’s like a camera,🤪🍀
🥒focus on what’s important,😁
And if it doesn’t work out,🤣🍀🐒🐷
💦just take another shot, my friend.🤩
She likened herself to Athena,😁
🤩wise and bold,🤣🐒🐷💦
🥒But when I challenged her to a quiz,
she quickly folded.🤣🤪🍀
He claimed he’s like Superman,
😁faster than light,🤪🤩🥒
🐒But when I challenged him to a race,
he was out of sight.🤣
🥒She boasted she’s like Wonder Woman,
a warrior born,But when I handed her a spider,
🤩she jumped with scorn.😁🐷🍀
He said he’s like Iron Man,🥒💦
technology his tool,🤣🤩🐒🍀
But when the WiFi went down,
😁he felt like a fool.🤪🐷

🐷Love’s like a WiFi connection,🥒
🤩strong one moment, gone the next,😁
You’re left staring at your screen,🤪
🐒feeling quite perplexed.🤣🍀
🐒He compared himself to Spiderman,
🤩agile and strong,🤣😁🐷🍀
But when faced with a real spider,
🥒he knew he was wrong.🤪💦
She professed she’s like Captain Marvel,
😁power in her veins,🤣🤩🥒
But when I challenged her to arm wrestle,
she lost all her gains.🤪🐒🍀
He swore he’s like Hulk,😁
🥒with rage in his heart,🤪
🐒But when I asked him to lift weights,
🤩he fell apart.🤣🐷🍀💦
She likened herself to Catwoman,
😁sleek and stealthy,🤣🥒🍀
But when she saw a mouse,🐒
💦she screamed quite loudly.🤩
Funny Shayari in English for WhatsApp, FB & Instagram

My bank account’s like a balloon,💦
it keeps deflating,🤣🤩🐒
🥒Every payday I feel rich,🍀🤪
then reality comes berating.😁
He said he’s like Batman,😁
🤩darkness his ally,🤪🐷
🐒But when the lights went out,
🥒he began to cry.🤣🍀
He boasted he’s like Flash,🤩
😁fastest man alive,🤪🐷💦
But when I challenged him to a race,
he barely did strive.🤣🥒🐒🍀
🐒She declared she’s like Aquaman
🤩 ruler of the sea,🤣😁
But when she touched the water,
🥒she felt more like a flea.🤪🍀
😁My love life’s a comedy,
a hilarious show,🤣🤩🥒🐒
💦Every time I think it’s serious,🍀
laughter starts to flow.🤪🐷

🐒I tried to be a morning person,🥒
but mornings weren’t having it,😁
🤩They said, “Come back when🤪
💦you’re ready to admit defeat!”🍀🐷
🥒My to-do list is a scroll,😁
🐒long and winding,🤣
🤩Every time I finish a task,💦
two more are finding.🤪🍀
🐷My ambitions are like balloons,🐒
🤩ready to soar, But reality’s a pin,😁
popping them galore.🤣🤩🥒🍀
😁My wardrobe’s a battlefield,🤣🍀
🐒clothes at war,Socks disappear,🤪
🥒and I’m left with one shoe for sure.
My smartphone’s a magician,🐷
🤩disappearing acts its forte,😁
💦Every time I need it,🤣🐒
🍀it’s decided to stray.🤪🥒

My diet plan’s a masterpiece,🤩
🥒a work of art,🤣🍀🐒💦
Until pizza comes along😁
💦and tears it all apart.🤣
🐒My patience is a rubber band,
😁stretched to its brink,🤪🍀
One more annoyance,🤣🤩💦
🥒and I’m about to snap, I think.
My diet’s a rollercoaster,🥒
🤩up and down it goes,🤣🐒
One day I’m eating salads,😁🐷
🍀the next, devouring those.🤪
🥒My memory’s a sieve,🤪
🐒thoughts slipping through,🤩
😁I remember everything I need,
except when I need to.🤣🐷🍀💦
💦My bank account’s a magician,
🤩vanishing tricks aplenty,🤪🐒
Money disappears faster than Houdini,
🍀how can this be?🤣😁🥒
Funny Shayari in English for Students

Dad’s advice is like a compass,🍀😁
🤩guiding us through life’s maze,🤪
We listen with reverence,🤣🥒🐷
🐒knowing he’ll never lead us astray.
🐒My love life’s a puzzle,🤪
😁pieces scattered around,🍀
Every time I try to solve it,🤩
🥒more can’t be found.🤣🐷
🍀My car’s like a time machine,🐒
but not in the way you’d think,🤪
🤩It transports me to the past,💦
with each mysterious clink.😁🥒
🥒My inbox is a jungle,🤣
💦emails lurking in the trees,🐷
😁Every time I clear it,🤪🍀
🐒they multiply like bees.🤩
🍀My schedule’s a labyrinth,🥒
twists and turns abound,🤣🐒
🤩Every time I find my way,😁
I’m lost again, spellbound.🤪

My room’s a perfect example🐷
🥒of organized chaos,🤪🍀🤩
If anyone tries to clean it,😁🐒
💦they’re met with a force.🤩
🥒My mornings are like a marathon,
🐒a race against the clock,🤣🐷💦
😁I sprint through breakfast,🤪🍀
but still end up in a deadlock.🤩
Friendship is like a pizza,🥒
😁cheesy and fun,🤣🐷
We share slices of joy,🤪🍀💦
🐒until the last one’s done.🤩
🐒Dad’s grilling skills are like a master chef’s,🤪
smoky and bold, But when he burns the burgers,
😁we’re left in the cold.🤣🤩🤩🥒💦

Friendship is like a sitcom,🥒
🤩with jokes and glee,🤪💦
We laugh till our sides hurt,🍀
🐒then ask for a repeat spree.😁
💦Dad’s bedtime stories are like fairytales,
🤩full of wonder and awe,🤣🐷🍀
We listen with bated breath,🤪🐒
🥒never wanting him to withdraw.😁
My hobbies are like fireworks,🥒
🤩bright and fleeting,🤣😁
💦I’m passionate today, tomorrow,🐒
🍀not so much, a repeating.🤪🐷
Friends are like alarm clocks,
🤩waking us with glee,🤣😁🐒
But sometimes they hit snooze,🍀
🥒and we’re late as can be.🤪

I’m on a seafood diet,🤩
🥒I see food and I eat it,🍀🤣
But sadly, my waistline😁🐷
💦doesn’t let me forget it.🤪🐒
🐒Mom’s multitasking is like a circus act,🤪
juggling with ease, But when we try to help,🍀
😁it’s like a circus with no trapeze.🤣🤩🥒💦
🐒My sleep cycle’s a mystery,🤩
😁a puzzle unsolved,🤣🤩
I count sheep, but they’re rebels,
🥒leaving me involved.🤪🍀
💦Friendship is like a selfie,🍀
🐒capturing moments bright,🤪
We smile through every pose,🐷
😁even if it’s not just right.🤩

I tried to lose weight,🥒
🤩I really gave it a go,🤣🍀💦
But then chocolate whispered,😁
🐒You’re my weakness, you know.
Dad’s sense of humor is like a ray of sunshine,
🤩brightening our day, We laugh along🐒,🤪💦
🥒grateful for the joy he brings our way.🐷🍀
My friendships are like plants,😁
🤩needing care and attention,🤪
But sometimes I forget to water,🐒
leading to tension.🤣🥒🐷🍀💦
Friends are like memes,😁💦
🐷spreading joy and cheer,🤪🐒
We share laughter and banter,🥒
🤩making every moment dear.🍀

My love life’s like a GPS,🤩🍀
🥒constantly recalculating,🤪
Every time I think I’m on the right track,
💦it’s frustrating.😁🐒💦
Mom’s cooking disasters are like a comedy of errors,
😁funny and absurd, But when we eat together,🤪
🐒it’s the best meal we’ve ever heard.🤣😁🤩🥒
🥒Friendship is like a marathon,🤩
💦a journey long and true,🤪🍀
😁We run side by side,🤣🐷
🐒no matter what we go through.
🐒I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode,
😁I’ll spring into action…🤪🤩
🍀maybe when the TV’s on explode.
2 Line Funny Shayari in English

🐷Mom’s love is like a warm embrace,
😁comforting and pure,🤣🍀
Even when we’re far apart,🥒💦
🐒it’s a love that will endure.🤪
Dad’s advice is like a compass,🤩💦
😁guiding us through life’s maze,🐒
🐷We listen with reverence,🤣🤩🍀
🥒knowing he’ll never lead us astray.
🍀Mom’s like a superhero,🤪💦
🤩with powers unseen,🤣🥒
She finds lost socks and cleans the mess,
🐷like a cleaning machine.😁🐒
Love is like a smartphone,😁
🤩always on silent mode,🤣🐷💦
It rings when you least expect it,🍀
🥒in the middle of a code.🤪🐒

My dreams are like clouds,🐒
🤩floating in the sky,🤣🍀
🥒But reality’s the bird that😁🐷
💦comes along and makes them fly.
🐒Dad’s like a magician,🤪
🥒pulling coins from thin air,🤩🍀
But when it comes to finding his keys,
😁it’s quite a scare.🤣🐷💦
💦Mom’s bedtime stories are like a journey to far-off lands,
magical and grand, We drift off to sleep,🤪🐷
🐒dreaming of adventures hand in hand.🤣
🍀Love’s like a bank loan,🤪💦
🐒you keep paying the interest,🤩
But when you ask for returns,🥒
😁it’s met with a jest.🤣🐷

🐒My life’s like a movie,😁🍀
full of drama and action🤪,🥒
🤩But sometimes I wish🤣💦
for a bit more satisfaction.🤩
Mom’s cooking is like magic,🥒
🤩delicious and divine,🤣😁
🍀But when she tries a new recipe,
we all reach for the wine.🤪🐒
Dad’s hugs are like a fortress,🤪😁🥒
strong and secure, Even when we’re grown,
they make us feel pure.🤣🐒🐷🍀💦
Love’s like a TV show,🍀
🤩full of twists and turns,😁💦
Just when you think it’s predictable,
🥒a new plotline churns.🤪🐒

🥒My alarm clock’s like a ninja,
silent and deadly,🤣🤩🐒🍀
😁It strikes in the morning when
I’m sleeping so teddy.🤪🐷
🐒Mom’s hugs are like a warm blanket,
🥒comforting and snug,🤣🐷
💦Even when we’re grown,🤩🍀
😁they feel like a bug.🤪
🍀Love’s like a diet plan,🤣🤩
😁full of promises and dreams,💦
But then comes dessert,🤪🐷
🐒and all goes downstream.🥒

🐒My relationship status?🥒
💦It’s complicated, you see,🤪🍀
🤩It’s like Facebook knew😁
🐷my life story before me.🤣
Dad’s driving is like a rollercoaster,🤪🍀💦
🐷thrilling and fast, We hold on tight,🤣🥒🐒
hoping we’ll reach our destination at last.
Love’s like a rollercoaster,🍀
🤩thrilling and intense,🤣😁
But sometimes you wonder🐒
🥒if it’s worth the expense.🤪

My sense of direction’s a mystery,
a riddle unsolved,🤣🐒💦
😁I’m the lost traveler🤩🍀
🥒that GPS can’t absolve.🤪
🍀Mom’s shopping trips are like a marathon,😁
🐒long and exhausting, But when she finds a sale,
she’s suddenly all-encompassing.🤣🤪💦
😁Love’s like a traffic jam,🤩💦
🍀you’re stuck and can’t move,🥒
🐒You honk and shout,🤪🐷
but it’s just you and your groove.💦

🐒My cooking skills are legendary,
🤩in my own mind,But in reality,🤪
they’remore like a crime.🤣😁🥒
Dad’s sense of direction is like a compass,🤩
😁pointing us the way, But when we’re lost,🐒
💦it’s like we’re in a maze, night and day.🤣🍀
Love’s like a game of chess,🤣😁🐒🍀
🤩strategic and bold, You make your move,
🥒but sometimes the queen’s just cold.🤪

🥒My love life’s like a game of chess,
strategic and sly,🤣🐒🐷
😁But sometimes I feel like a pawn,
💦waiting to die.🤪🤩🍀
🥒Mom’s patience is like a bottomless well,
🍀never-ending, But when we test it too far,🤪
🤩it’s like a storm descending.🤣😁🐷💦
😁Love’s like a movie,🤩🍀
🐷full of drama and flair,🤣🥒
🐒You’re the star of the show,🤪
but sometimes you just don’t care.💦

🐒My bank balance is like a yo-yo,
up and down it goes,🤣🥒🍀💦
🤩Sometimes I’m flush with cash,
other times it’s all woes.🤪
🍀Friendship is like Wi-Fi, it’s everywhere,
🤩But sometimes it disappears,🤪
leaving us in despair.🤣😁🐒

🐷Love is like WiFi, it’s all around,🤩
😁But the moment you need it,😁
🥒it’s nowhere to be found.🤣🐒🍀
🐒Friends are like fries,🤪
😁always there to share,🤣🍀🍀💦
But when it comes to the bill,🐷💦
🥒suddenly they’re not aware.🤩

🐒He said he’s a rock,😁🍀
strong and unyielding,🤪🥒🐷
🤩But when I tickled him,🤣
💦his fortress started crumbling.
🐷Friendship is like a rollercoaster ride,
full of twists and turns,🤣😁🍀
🤩Sometimes we scream in terror,
sometimes laughter burns.🤪🐒

She claimed she’s a queen,🤩
😁regal and serene,🤣🐒🍀
Until she tripped on her own gown,
🥒then she wasn’t so keen.🤪💦
🍀Friends are like emojis,🤪🥒
😁expressing every emotion,🤣🐷
But sometimes they’re like glitches,
🐒causing quite the commotion.🤩

🐒He boasted he’s a lion,🤪
fierce and brave,🤣😁🥒🍀
😁But when I handed him a spider,
he became a mouse, to my rave.
🥒Friends are like GPS,😁
guiding us through strife,🤪🐷💦
But sometimes they lead us astray,
🤩adding a pinch of spice.🐒🍀